Articles on: FAQs

What is Transfer Store on SourcinBox?

For better store management, we have launched a new function that allows you to transfer your connected store from your current SourcinBox account to another SourcinBox account by submitting a Transfer Store Request in the Manage Store section.

Please note that it is not feasible to connect your store to another SourcinBox account by uninstalling SourcinBox from your store and installing it again with another account.

Step 1

Open the Manage Stores section. Select the store you want to transfer and click “Transfer Store”.

Manage Stores - Transfer Store

Step 2

Fill in the SourcinBox account you want to transfer the store to in the 'Request to Transfer Store'.

Request to Transfer Store
Note: It is not allowed to transfer the store to your employee's account or the account currently logged in.

Step 3

Your customer manager will review your store transfer request and you can check the status in the Manage Stores section.

Manage Stores

Updated on: 05/06/2024

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